Wednesday, October 22, 2003

Well, I haven't written for a while. That's because I've been having such an exciting time recently.

First, not only was our flat burgled (wow!), by someone with a key (ooh!), but then I had food poisoning (gasp!) and couldn't eat solids for a week (wow!). I have spent my free time either on the toilet (flush!), or in a police station giving statements, in Russian, in triplicate (blyn!). Now I have lost my voice (croak!).


Seriously, it was fascinating to see the long arm of the Russian law fully unfurled. I think that the break-in at our flat must be the most exciting thing that has ever happened as far as the Northern Tushino police are concerned.

Not only were we interviewed by two inspectors (bad cop - bad cop style) but then no less than six officers came round to inspect the flat. We even had the official police photographer taking pictures of the crime scene. I was quite tempted to draw chalk outlines of the stolen electricals in my room to help with their investigations.