Saturday, May 10, 2003

Having just read my previous post about our trip to St. Petersburg, I have realised that it might seem somewhat critical. So I would like to add that I had a great time, and apart from the first day, when it pissed down, had great weather as well. Incidentally I spent that first rainy day with Kostya waiting for my family to arrive and following two traditionally Russian activities - drinking vodka, and watching a Jackie Chan film. These two activities go together surprisingly well.

The other great thing about the trip to Pete was that I wasn't at the flat in Moscow. This week we, that is, Anthony and I, have been cat-sitting for a teacher who has skipped off to Sochi for the holidays. And what a mad cat it is.


1) Named after Margarita from Bulgakov's 'The Master and Margarita' (a great novel by the way). In the book, Margarita hangs out with the devil. So it's quite an appropriate name for this cat.

2) Eats anything. Including, but not limited to - hair clippings, pot plants, coffee, and, once, an empty pack of condoms (not mine).

3) Loves water. Tries to fish clothes out of the bathtub when they are soaking. Jumps into the sink. Tries to join people on the toilet.

4) Does not sleep. Ever. Likes to sit on people's heads when they are sleeping, though.

5) Obsessed with a laser-pen. She will chase the little red dot for hours, without stopping. Actually, the batteries are dead now, as it was the only way we could find to stop her eating our property.

6) Uses the litter tray, but instead of scratching the litter, scratches the wall and the floor around the tray.

We can give the cat back on Sunday. That's if we haven't turned it into cat-shashlik by then.